Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dealing with Artists: The Better

Artists are an essential part of the team.  To be more specific, the penciler.  Art draws you in; the story will keep you coming back.  Ultimately, the project is collaboration between the "parents".  I see myself, the writer, as the father.  I create this thing, provide all of the essential ingredients, and as any good father does, I'm there as head of household from birth to maturity.  I see the penciler as the mother.  They must shape and mold what I've provided and go through the actual labor.  I say all this to say that it should be an equal partnership, in the forming and ideas part at least.  I find myself getting great ideas from the artist and then working it in to the flavor of the story and characters.  I also find myself rejecting others.  The moral of the story is: Listen.  Be open to hearing other ideas out and if you can add it or meet them halfway, do it.  If not, at least let them know you are open to hearing more even if you don't accept that one.

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